Youth Academy

Live the Artezen Life.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”  – Albert Einstein

Youth Academy

Artezen Youth Academy is all about letting children color outside the lines. Our philosophy sits sound on the concepts of observing, exploring and learning. We guide and navigate them as they journey through the vast universe of their imagination to discover and create.

Let them imagine

Let them imagine

Let them Discover

Let them Discover

Let them Create

Let them Create

How it Works

  • All Youth Academy programs are made up of a series of workshops for children ages 4 to 12.
  • Programs can consist of 2 to 7 workshops based on a theme of techniques conducted over a series of days.  
  • Programs can be in person and on site; or virtual over video conference.
  • Materials for the workshops will be provided unless otherwise noted. In that case an 'easy to find material list' will be provided ahead of the start of the program.
  • All Youth Academy programs are designed to inspire and motivate children to think creatively and express without any inhibitions.
  • Most importantly, the programs teach children the craft of expression and make creative thinking an integral part of their lives.

2021 Youth Workshops

Summer schedule coming soon